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Safety & Security Window Films


3M™ Safety Film Safety S40 was designed for usage on the interior surface of windows. The film is visco elastic and obsolescence resistant. High resistance of the film to stretch and crack extension increases the resistance of glass to pressure, push and impacts. Even distribution of the sun’s rays effectively reduces the effect of dazzle. Besides, the film greatly significantly reduces the amount of UVA rays which are the main reason of discoloration.


3M™ Safety Films provide an effective protection from injuries or damage to items caused the fragments of broken glass. In case of glass breakage the fragments are hold due to the system of the adhesive.


Safety S40 is composed of a transparent and weather stable polyester film, scratch resistant surface and a strong acrylic adhesive. The films high tensile strength and elongation at break point increases resistance of the glazing system to impact and pressure. The film also significantly reduces the transmission of UVA and UVB rays which are the main cause of fading. 3M Safety Films provide effective protection from injuries to persons, or damage to items caused by fragments of broken glass. In the case of glass breakage the fragments are held together by the strong acrylic adhesive. Safety S40 is a clear 4 mil (.004”) safety film.



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